Clean Water Act Quick Reference Guide
Section 101: Goals of the Clean Water Act
Section 102: Comprehensive Programs for Water Pollution Control
Section 103: Interstate Cooperation and Uniform Laws
Section 104: Research, Investigation, Training, and Information
Section 105: Grants for Pollution Control Programs
Section 106: Water Pollution Control Management
Section 107: Public Participation
Section 201: Construction of Treatment Works
Section 301: Effluent Limitations
Section 302: Water Quality-Related Effluent Limitations
Section 303: Water Quality Standards and Implementation Plans
Section 304: Information and Guidelines
Section 305: Federal Assistance for State Programs
Section 306: National Standards of Performance
Section 307: Toxic and Pretreatment Effluent Standards
Section 308: Inspection, Monitoring, and Entry
Section 309: Federal Enforcement
Section 401: Certification
Section 402: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
Section 404: Permits for Dredged or Fill Material
Section 405: Sewage Sludge
Section 406: Aquaculture Discharge Criteria
Section 501: General Provisions
Section 502: Definitions
Section 503: Application of Act and Integration With Other Acts
Section 504: Grants for Research, Investigations, Training, and Information
Section 505: Citizen Suits
Section 506: Abatement of Pollution in the Great Lakes
Section 507: General Effluent Limitations; Time for Compliance; Injunctions; Prior Actions
Section 508: Safety Measures
Effluent Limitations: Restrictions on pollutant discharge levels.
NPDES: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.
Treatment Works: Facilities constructed for treating sewage and wastewater.
Aquaculture Discharge Criteria: Guidelines for managing waste from aquaculture.